Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Ultimate Gift

This holiday season has been extremely hard in our family. If you've read other entries in my blog then you know my husband was with out a job for several, several weeks. That makes Christmas time hard. Gifts aren't cheap. As I sat down with my Christmas list trying to find a way to buy anything on it my mind kept drifting off. I kept thinking about the ultimate gift. God gave his Son.. his ONLY son for us!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NLT)

We all know that verse. It is one of the first verses we learn in Sunday School I think. God gave us his son - but do we think about what else He gave us? He gave some of us the ability to preach and teach, to help, to guide, to serve, to give encouragement, to show mercy, and to lead. God has given us these gifts to serve him.

He will "gift" us eternal life in heaven if we follow him. With all the gifts he is bestowing upon us, he is the ultimate gift giver, right? We just have to follow him. His path will guide us. My small pile of gifts seem insignificant compared to that. I can't give anyone gifts compared to what God gave. But, I can tell everyone about his awesome gifts so they can enjoy them with me.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas. On this day remember to take time to inventory the gifts you have from God, learn to use them, and give him praise.

1 comment:

Faithful Daughter Of Him said...

That is just wonderful! And I would say great minds think alike, I was working on something similar for my blog.