Thursday, February 12, 2009

How long o Lord must I call for help?

Sorry I've missed a few weeks posting. Did you miss me? The night after my last post, January 16th, I was involved in a car accident. My daughter and I were very lucky. She seems to be doing well and I came out of it with whiplash, left hand injuries, shoulder, and back pain. My car is totaled. At this point I can't finance another car so I am back to driving the paid for car, my husbands work car, that will just get us around town. That means no weekend trips to see my family that lives 2 hours away. Oh, and did I mention we are still without medical insurance? Everything I need medical wise has to come out of my pocket. I know I will get reimbursed at some point from her insurance company since she was at fault but the out of pocket costs are killing us. On top of the medicals I now have to pay, thanks to some lady not paying attention, I still need to pay for utilities, housing, groceries, etc.

So I started asking God why do some people get what they want? Why do I always get the bad luck? Why do mean people prosper? I feel like God is dangling the Kong ball in front of my face. You know the dog toy ball that you fill full of treats like peanut butter but you have to work like heck to get a taste of the peanut butter. When can I taste my peanut butter? Those questions bring me to the book of Habakkuk.

Habakkuk, did you know that was in the bible? I have seen it several times but kept skipping over it until it was brought to my attention on a show that was played for us with Beth Moore in it. Habakkuk is one of the small books hiding in a group of small books in the Old Testament. It is a very small book, just a couple of chapters, but it doesn't play around, it gets right to the answers. What a powerful message you can receive in just those few chapters. If you've ever asked yourself or God why the wicked prosper, like I was asking, this is your book with answers.

"How long, O Lord, must I call for help? But you do not listen!...Must I forever see this sin and misery all around me? Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence...The law has become paralyzed and useless, and there is no justice given in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous." Habakkuk 1:2-4 (NLT)

I can't get the peanut butter! I know it's in the ball but I just can't get it. Like Habakkuk I know God has to let me deal with the decisions and choices I've made but sometimes it's hard. I know I'm not disciplined enough to follow his words and this lesson is a long hard one to bear. I know that God doesn't mean to hurt me or make me sad. It's just hard to understand when you're still in the midst of things. I know God is teaching me discipline and making me walk closer with him and follow his word. If I just hold on I know the prize in the end will be well worth it. Just like the peanut butter is a prize worth the trouble in the Kong ball to the little dog who tries so hard. When he finally reaches the middle he has succeeded. When I finally get through the trouble, sorrow, and heartache I will be closer to God and through my faith and trust in Him, I will get to heaven and that my friend will be victory, my peanut butter!

I would like for you to continue to pray for my family and I as we continue to take ourselves through these hard times. I would like to pray for you as well. If you have any prayer requests, please post them in the comments for me.