Sunday, November 30, 2008

Time..who has more time to give?‏

While reading my devotional this morning, time was the topic. Give more of your time for God. Time, who has more time to give to something else? I am always busy with work, busy with my daughter, my husband needs something, the house needs to cleaned, the pets need attention, the family needs to eat, and then I have to get things together for the next morning....time is something I did NOT have!! Then, I read this verse:

"Test Me in this way... See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven
and pour out a blessing for you without measure" (Malachi 3:10)

WOW... he will bless us without measure in exchange for some of my time. He must really want us to spend a little time with him in his word. He must long for us to reach out to him and follow him. He wants us to test him so that he can show us all the blessings he has for us.

Over the last month, I have done what he is asking. I get up an hour early to read and meditate in his word and use my daily devotional. For the first few days I just had a calm over my body through out most of the day. I couldn't put my finger on what was different, but I knew it was something. Then over the last few days when I feel stressed and overcome with fear and anger I hear the words I have been reading. It is an instant calmness throughout. I don't always remember the scripture word for word, but I remember enough to get me through the moment. As most of you know Chris is still without a job, it will be a month this week. Usually I have severe panic attacks when something drastic happens (and for my family he was the sole bread winner.. so can you say DRASTIC!?!?!)! But, I am calm and ok with the situation as it is now. I know that he has a job for Chris, we just have to find it and that will take time.

Time.... that word pops up everywhere doesn't it? The Lord wants us to give him more time in all we do. In exchange for our time.... he will bless us without measure. Sounds like an awesome exchange for me, doesn't it to you? Is God testing time for you? Will you let him open the floodgates and pour out his blessings for you, or would you like to continue with the way things are going and run out of time?